Revival brings much needed exposure to the Word of God, and the Word of God refreshes and revives the faith that lives within us. We gain a new-found hunger for the things of God that have been lost after the mundane and stressful things of life take hold upon us. After the meetings pass, when the services become “normal” and the mundane/stressful things of life continue, how can we KEEP a hunger for the things of God?

Remain Exposed to the Word of God – This is vital for each Christian, regardless of the time, but after a revival, this becomes paramount. Personal devotions must be a constant. Its our devotionals that keep us strong, day in and day out. Those devotions stoke the fires of the Holy Spirit within us. Those who fail in Christ have failed in His Word. Church attendance is key to the Christian life because of the encouragement we can derive from it. Hebrews 10, explains that our church attendance should increase as we notice Christ’s return nearing but only before exhorting us to provoke others to love and good works; a proper church will motivate us to stay close to God. Christian friendships help us stay focused by the conversations and confrontations they bring.  Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that these relationships keep us sharp.

Remember Decisions – Paul in 1 Timothy 1 encouraged this young preacher to “stir up the gift of God.” So often as God speaks to us, whether in our devotions, church service, or a revival, we neglect to remind ourselves of what God gave us. When God gives us something (salvation, prayer answered, burden, blessing), they are of great value and should be reexamined often. Write each decision down in a place you can see it regularly. I like to write mine in my prayer journal and sometimes in my Bible. This allows me to see them and evaluate how I am doing within that choice. Tell others  about the things God has done in your life (Psalm 107:2). This creates an accountability and a testimony for others to see.

Revive Others by the Word of God – The Great Awakenings that shook two continents were a result of Christians who made choices for Christ and effected others by it. Helping others be revived is refreshing for the Christian, because it provides purpose and joy.  The more we take part in revival for others; the harder it will be for us to lose that spirit of revival. Revival is often characterized by fire. A lit torch can ignite others but, as it does, it keeps itself burning.